Sooo Seira is definitely the real psycho here isn’t she. Good people don’t have friends that go around killing horses, destroying carriages, and sending letters written in blood!
He isn’t a very good friend if he doesn’t see that people are harassing his childhood friend. Like… have you talked to her at all? His shock at getting this letter tells me something isn’t right.
Okay it’s still too early to say. If he’s the OG ml then he must be a very very special person and kind etc. but why cut off completely when you have sm childhood memories together? Did she really get memories of the OG novel back or does she not care about any of it but surviving??
They really needed to give more of a backstory for their relationship. TL doesn’t help either. Like yeah, I don’t blame her for cutting ties because of the bullying… but we don’t know anything about him other than her calling him trash. For what reason?
I like this. Fl doesn’t give a fk about ogNovel and oglead character. And also she will have her own ml not that basta*d ogml.
FL is so pretty and I love her now, I’m adopting her, she’s mine now. I will be her new mother
Sooo Seira is definitely the real psycho here isn’t she. Good people don’t have friends that go around killing horses, destroying carriages, and sending letters written in blood!
Yasssss i like this fl she isnt dumb and stupid at all …finallyyyy
Is he really ignorant of all the harassment?
He isn’t a very good friend if he doesn’t see that people are harassing his childhood friend. Like… have you talked to her at all? His shock at getting this letter tells me something isn’t right.
So they were poor enough they couldn’t afford candles but rich enough to have servants?
Okay it’s still too early to say. If he’s the OG ml then he must be a very very special person and kind etc. but why cut off completely when you have sm childhood memories together? Did she really get memories of the OG novel back or does she not care about any of it but surviving??
They really needed to give more of a backstory for their relationship. TL doesn’t help either. Like yeah, I don’t blame her for cutting ties because of the bullying… but we don’t know anything about him other than her calling him trash. For what reason?
Queen Livia
This story really needn’t have bern an isekai story. It could have been a normal story without the element of reincarnation. So dumb.
Ok I like the mad blonde already. Please date him and leave this loser
Yes! I literally need this forget them male leads it’s the second leads that are just way cooler
I feel like these premises are getting dumber and dumber… But I guess I am too cuz I still read them lol
Maybe he doesn’t know she was bullied no he’s just dirt
he’s shit
hmm? so her childhood friend doesn’t stand up for her? and she doesn’t seem like villainess rather og FL who never stops her friends
Floptropica who is addicted to phone
He looks like a bitch. Please throw him immediately he is a walking lotus.
Frosty Wings
Why? Have you been defending her? Or protecting her? If not then there’s no use keeping around a useless friend who only occasionally cares.