Lordium Two crazies in love with each other, both assume the other has no feelings for them. Truly a match made in heaven. October 14, 2024 at 3:19 pm Log in to Reply
Lightning-Kun wtf? what’s with thiz shit? dude the whole concept is couple made by god love eachother etc and yet both have weird thoughts? how come he conclude she wanna run n stuff or hates him thiz is getting weird and going downhill February 14, 2024 at 4:06 pm Log in to Reply
SereUsagi Wtf? I used to like this manhwa so much, but it turned into a totally different story after they got married because this manish mess. 😒😒😒 February 11, 2024 at 3:19 pm Log in to Reply
Two crazies in love with each other, both assume the other has no feelings for them. Truly a match made in heaven.
wtf? what’s with thiz shit? dude the whole concept is couple made by god love eachother etc and yet both have weird thoughts? how come he conclude she wanna run n stuff or hates him thiz is getting weird and going downhill
I used to like this manhwa so much, but it turned into a totally different story after they got married because this manish mess. 😒😒😒