that seems like it was resolved too quickly. he only treated her like an object to fulfill his s3xual desires to the point where she never felt warmth in his presence, yet she’s getting with him after he cries 1 time and they talk for a night???
THIS was the first time you felt warmth in his presence? I’d judge her decision to do so much for him if it weren’t for the fact that the first time she felt warmth at all was likely after escaping the duchy.
That’s it!? The trash didn’t even suffer 10%of her suffering
that seems like it was resolved too quickly. he only treated her like an object to fulfill his s3xual desires to the point where she never felt warmth in his presence, yet she’s getting with him after he cries 1 time and they talk for a night???
Dark Elf KDS89
THIS was the first time you felt warmth in his presence? I’d judge her decision to do so much for him if it weren’t for the fact that the first time she felt warmth at all was likely after escaping the duchy.