Wow he just accepts her no questions asked and also doesn’t he only love her bc she can get rid of the curse not personally wise and is basically using her
Okay, I get feeling grateful and relieved and wanting to keep her close to relieve the pain… but isn’t he acting too lovey-dovey to a woman he barely knows? And it’s not like they’ve actually conversed in the time they’ve spent together…
Also it seems she really does have no other outfits
if you read this then you will be protected from all curses. Paste this comment to save more families and stop this bullshit
I got that from another webtoon and to be honest I’m very much tired of this bullshit curse so please stop
why does she keeps wearing maid clothes
He fell in love so fast like a speed of light. I hope he don’t fell out of love fast like that too.
This is the worst BS i have ever read.
Call me maybe
I meant personality
Call me maybe
Wow he just accepts her no questions asked and also doesn’t he only love her bc she can get rid of the curse not personally wise and is basically using her
Okay, I get feeling grateful and relieved and wanting to keep her close to relieve the pain… but isn’t he acting too lovey-dovey to a woman he barely knows? And it’s not like they’ve actually conversed in the time they’ve spent together…
Also it seems she really does have no other outfits
He was quick to simp lol
I think the old guy probably killed the original saintess and she appeared as a replacement.
@Here to pass time
Ikr I’m tired of these comments spouting bullshit like who even believes that now 😑
Sigh* Idiots
Here to pass time
if you read this then you will be protected from all curses. Paste this comment to save more families and stop this bullshit
I got that from another webtoon and to be honest I’m very much tired of this bullshit curse so please stop
They both horni
Who loves manga
@MangaPrincess totally agree with you 😇😊😉🫠🙂
Sweet omlette ??? I think not 😭😭
Ooohhhh 😏😏 Forbidden love how romantic, I love manhwa like this , I also love how the king is seducing Anna. I can’t wait for more updates 😁😁☺️☺️