How’d we get from him passing out to him feeding her breakfast?
Did she stay in bed with him? Was she summoned to his quarters in the morning? Did he seek her out himself?
Why was that man in the king’s breakfast chambers (or wherever the hell) to begin with?
Man calm the hell down at least wait until it in the 10 chapter
I feel like some parts were cut
You sure we’re not missing any chapters cause man 😮💨🤌
It’s only been 2 chapters innit-
Call me maybe
Pase is very fast like
How’d we get from him passing out to him feeding her breakfast?
Did she stay in bed with him? Was she summoned to his quarters in the morning? Did he seek her out himself?
Why was that man in the king’s breakfast chambers (or wherever the hell) to begin with?
Its a good prediction she might just be the saintess instead of a ‘merely’ maid…this story’s gonna be fun~!!!! Mehehehehh.
Amelia Marie
Easy she’s the saintess but doesn’t realise
Who loves manga
Oh wow interesting 😉🙃🙂