A child in heat made this cuz like they should have fucked by now!!! like OMG some inexperienced old man that hasn’t had sex made this, all they do is kiss becuase he’s never gotten… lets not go there, ohhh maby it becuase of his obsession with shy stupid women that can control them selves around him like god that.. just… just GROW UP
ohhhhhh and who sleeps with someone just to fall asleep😑
Why cliffhanger?!?! If she knew that Clause will be healed if he falls in love, can’t she tell that he is already healing a bit which means that he fell in love with her. She doesn’t need to find the saintess at all. Thanks for updating!
Spoiler, it will take her at least 20 more episodes to admit it that she may be the saintess and that she realy loves him and want to be with him 😀 But overal story is fun so its worth waiting. Good thing it started translating into english.
A child in heat made this cuz like they should have fucked by now!!! like OMG some inexperienced old man that hasn’t had sex made this, all they do is kiss becuase he’s never gotten… lets not go there, ohhh maby it becuase of his obsession with shy stupid women that can control them selves around him like god that.. just… just GROW UP
ohhhhhh and who sleeps with someone just to fall asleep😑
Heheheheheh our fl’s reaction to his affections are hilarious!! You’ll fall in love with hi soon enough Anna!
Why cliffhanger?!?! If she knew that Clause will be healed if he falls in love, can’t she tell that he is already healing a bit which means that he fell in love with her. She doesn’t need to find the saintess at all. Thanks for updating!
Spoiler, it will take her at least 20 more episodes to admit it that she may be the saintess and that she realy loves him and want to be with him 😀 But overal story is fun so its worth waiting. Good thing it started translating into english.