This bitch is one to talk. If my suspicions are right and she’s the one who sent those texts to the bastard ex then she’s screwing around with a married man whose wife has destroyed one woman’s life already for legitimately dating the man she wanted. Plus that jerk married to get a higher position and threw his ex-girlfriend under the bus for it. At least FL is talented. So she can take her double standards and idiotic jealousy and shove it up rear-end. I hope she gets permanently blacklisted from the industry and forced to work low-income jobs. If the wife doesn’t do anything to her I call b.s.!
how can you talk when your obvi the one screwing around with the president of nyne
Frosty Wings
This bitch is one to talk. If my suspicions are right and she’s the one who sent those texts to the bastard ex then she’s screwing around with a married man whose wife has destroyed one woman’s life already for legitimately dating the man she wanted. Plus that jerk married to get a higher position and threw his ex-girlfriend under the bus for it. At least FL is talented. So she can take her double standards and idiotic jealousy and shove it up rear-end. I hope she gets permanently blacklisted from the industry and forced to work low-income jobs. If the wife doesn’t do anything to her I call b.s.!