Socially speaking, this makes zero sense to me. She’s a maid. They should of already chosen his fiance and forced a marriage by now. Back then if you were of royalty… You were engaged at age 10.
their meeting story is so cute but I want to know if she’ll be able to fall for him after what happened. Tbh I’d be traumatized about dating another person for a very long time, cant wait to see how this ML heals her heart or something
Ofc. She might fall in love with him thats why there is romance tag its tell us how someone fall in love after getting hurt and someone that heal the wound in her heart lol
just because its romance doesn’t mean I cant be curious about how its going to happen or what he does, that’s the entire reason why we’re reading this story duh
Socially speaking, this makes zero sense to me. She’s a maid. They should of already chosen his fiance and forced a marriage by now. Back then if you were of royalty… You were engaged at age 10.
their meeting story is so cute but I want to know if she’ll be able to fall for him after what happened. Tbh I’d be traumatized about dating another person for a very long time, cant wait to see how this ML heals her heart or something
Ofc. She might fall in love with him thats why there is romance tag its tell us how someone fall in love after getting hurt and someone that heal the wound in her heart lol
just because its romance doesn’t mean I cant be curious about how its going to happen or what he does, that’s the entire reason why we’re reading this story duh
Oh ho ,,advances๐๐๐๐