@trucksama totally agree with you. what kind of psychopath is that commenter???
>tries to fucking kidnap her and kills guards or something to do so??
>for some reason thinks she’s annoying for rejecting the lunatic???
seek mental help
huh??? frustrated
r u high on something he literally assualted her
and if u fucking read properly he’s obsessed with his step mother
how in the hell is that good stuff
FL ain’t stubborn just cause she rejected ml offer
that’s her choice
ur opinion sucks
I would rather take the stepbrother then the old man… He seems to care about her, well He was frustrated but maybe thats because the fl is kinda annoying…. Always the victim that need to be saves but super stubborn….
Finally the heroine is taking some initiative. I hated how she was being to passive and assumptive.
“Cheddarland” 😂 hope the translation gets better
@trucksama totally agree with you. what kind of psychopath is that commenter???
>tries to fucking kidnap her and kills guards or something to do so??
>for some reason thinks she’s annoying for rejecting the lunatic???
seek mental help
huh??? frustrated
r u high on something he literally assualted her
and if u fucking read properly he’s obsessed with his step mother
how in the hell is that good stuff
FL ain’t stubborn just cause she rejected ml offer
that’s her choice
ur opinion sucks
I would rather take the stepbrother then the old man… He seems to care about her, well He was frustrated but maybe thats because the fl is kinda annoying…. Always the victim that need to be saves but super stubborn….
Lmao its so funny that the names changes every panel or dialogue bubble wtf TLs ?! How is the consistency coming? 🙄😂
oh well here comes the og
star vs the forces of evil
It’s a little confusing :/