ya ne oldu da takmaya başladınız ya da takıyordunuz da siniriniz ve tribiniz yeni mi tükendi üfff bu ne ya neyse amaaaan geç olmuş sevgiden hayır olmasa da sevgisizlikten daha iyidir sanırım hayırlı olsun fl
That was such a crazy first conversation to have with your prospect fiance, yeah go ahead and talk about a child as if she’s not at the table and then talk about the dead brother and his sick wife. That’ll make them like you
Wait, what just happened? Why is the duke suddenly being so nice?
yogurt but g with hat
ya ne oldu da takmaya başladınız ya da takıyordunuz da siniriniz ve tribiniz yeni mi tükendi üfff bu ne ya neyse amaaaan geç olmuş sevgiden hayır olmasa da sevgisizlikten daha iyidir sanırım hayırlı olsun fl
Wow wasn’t expecting that at all
at least they shut her down
if he is gonna get married I hope it’s a nice auntie
Thank god that guy is not marrying that b*tch😂
That was such a crazy first conversation to have with your prospect fiance, yeah go ahead and talk about a child as if she’s not at the table and then talk about the dead brother and his sick wife. That’ll make them like you
Uncle is finally acting like family
Call me maybe
Can we send that old lady to the boarding school instead bc I think she needs to go back to the basics on how to shut the hell up.
NICE that they send about that bitch like she wasn’t even married and has so much audacity u atleast need a good person to stay happy in ur marriage