@SereUsagi right like you wouldn’t think like her if you were in her place. How is she supposed to know that they actually care a little bit about her when she has been mistreated since the day she entered don’t be so dense
Lmao Fabian is 100% tsundere, wanna get close to his cousin but didn’t know how to show it.
Again this FL is so dense and sensitive.
Why does she always victimize herself when nobody has done real harm to her at all??????
She sister exactly friendly and warm to them either, so why does she blame them?
@SereUsagi right like you wouldn’t think like her if you were in her place. How is she supposed to know that they actually care a little bit about her when she has been mistreated since the day she entered don’t be so dense
*She ISN’T exactly friendly and warm to them.
Lmao Fabian is 100% tsundere, wanna get close to his cousin but didn’t know how to show it.
Again this FL is so dense and sensitive.
Why does she always victimize herself when nobody has done real harm to her at all??????
She sister exactly friendly and warm to them either, so why does she blame them?
Fabian is such a brat. Probably only being mean cause he thinks it’s expected of him.
Call me maybe
Wait so is fabian bad? Bc why is he worried abt her instead
Aha so fabian is one of those “tsunderes” except he has framed FL for crimes that could get her executed.