ya know what has never made sense to me in all of thse manwhas?
why the fuck are other commoners being like “ew you have commoner blood”. like head maid isnt noble, she’s a commoner. so why the fuck would her reaction to the protag be “ew commoner, you deserve bad things”. it doesnt make sense. i hate this trope so much lmao. i cant even really enjoy when the villainous staff get fired because im left like “of course the working class got villainized, this is gross” and even more than that “no, literally, WHY WOULD FELLOW COMMONERS LOOK DOWN ON THEM???? THEY’RE ALL COMMONERS”. it’d be one thing if the authors went with the angle of jealousy “we’re both common, why do i have to work for a living and you get the fancy life”, it’d still be a cheap motive but at least it logically FOLLOWS. but then the authors might have to acknowledge that this caste system is inherently fucked up, so instead they just have commoners have an irrational hatred of fellow commoners that exists because… society? like thats it. you have this working class person who is going “ew commoners are so gross” the same way a noble might and it makes No Sense. the dumb purpose of the trope is to create an easy villain for the protag to eliminate. all the protag needs to do is take advantage of the caste system and BAM maids are fired! or punished! or jailed! or MURDERED! and im not saying that abuse depicted in these comics is undeserving of punishment, im just saying the motivation for the maids to be doing the abuse in the first place makes no fucking sense at all. it’s this contrived trope to make the caste system seem like a good thing when it benefits our protagonist and urgh
yes, i know if i dislike caste systems, i shouldnt be reading these random fantasy comics about nobles in the first place lmfao but tbh i dont mind reading about them, i just really dislike this particular trope of “put that maid in her place”. i suppose im just a hypocrite LOL i wanna read about nobles, but i dont particularly wanna read about the inherent abuse that exists in a caste system being glorified. “that noble is right to squash that commoner because commoners are greedy and vicious and abusive! if you give them an inch, they’ll take a mile!”. and i know not all commoners in these works are depicted that way, melissa is a really kind maid who does her best for our protag. but in these works, the ‘kind maid’ is often treated as the exception rather than the normal
It’s not that I’m not accepting the grandpa’s apology and the act of his apology…
I must say this…..what took you so long? Huh?
Being indifferent hurts….
Oh well…
ya know what has never made sense to me in all of thse manwhas?
why the fuck are other commoners being like “ew you have commoner blood”. like head maid isnt noble, she’s a commoner. so why the fuck would her reaction to the protag be “ew commoner, you deserve bad things”. it doesnt make sense. i hate this trope so much lmao. i cant even really enjoy when the villainous staff get fired because im left like “of course the working class got villainized, this is gross” and even more than that “no, literally, WHY WOULD FELLOW COMMONERS LOOK DOWN ON THEM???? THEY’RE ALL COMMONERS”. it’d be one thing if the authors went with the angle of jealousy “we’re both common, why do i have to work for a living and you get the fancy life”, it’d still be a cheap motive but at least it logically FOLLOWS. but then the authors might have to acknowledge that this caste system is inherently fucked up, so instead they just have commoners have an irrational hatred of fellow commoners that exists because… society? like thats it. you have this working class person who is going “ew commoners are so gross” the same way a noble might and it makes No Sense. the dumb purpose of the trope is to create an easy villain for the protag to eliminate. all the protag needs to do is take advantage of the caste system and BAM maids are fired! or punished! or jailed! or MURDERED! and im not saying that abuse depicted in these comics is undeserving of punishment, im just saying the motivation for the maids to be doing the abuse in the first place makes no fucking sense at all. it’s this contrived trope to make the caste system seem like a good thing when it benefits our protagonist and urgh
yes, i know if i dislike caste systems, i shouldnt be reading these random fantasy comics about nobles in the first place lmfao but tbh i dont mind reading about them, i just really dislike this particular trope of “put that maid in her place”. i suppose im just a hypocrite LOL i wanna read about nobles, but i dont particularly wanna read about the inherent abuse that exists in a caste system being glorified. “that noble is right to squash that commoner because commoners are greedy and vicious and abusive! if you give them an inch, they’ll take a mile!”. and i know not all commoners in these works are depicted that way, melissa is a really kind maid who does her best for our protag. but in these works, the ‘kind maid’ is often treated as the exception rather than the normal
It’s not that I’m not accepting the grandpa’s apology and the act of his apology…
I must say this…..what took you so long? Huh?
Being indifferent hurts….
Oh well…