FaeBreeze Wow. Luke looked ugly ugly when she had him by the neck like that. And… I mean he’s annoying but he hasn’t really done anything awful yet, has he? A bit of spilt wine isn’t exactly evil. November 19, 2022 at 6:22 am Log in to Reply
Rococochoco When she first starts dancing with purple hair his head is so huge on a small body ??? April 1, 2022 at 11:17 pm Log in to Reply
MissDolcieRegalia For a second i thought Luke was the Ml but then he came off as a crasy ass psycho so hell nah. March 22, 2022 at 1:36 pm Log in to Reply
Wow. Luke looked ugly ugly when she had him by the neck like that. And… I mean he’s annoying but he hasn’t really done anything awful yet, has he? A bit of spilt wine isn’t exactly evil.
When she first starts dancing with purple hair his head is so huge on a small body ???
For a second i thought Luke was the Ml but then he came off as a crasy ass psycho so hell nah.
I love her!