What is wrong with these comments? You guys never know how some people have weak mentality and they grow from it just like bora and it’s not even her fault that she was traumatized by it. It’s so unbelievable that you guys are hating on relatable characters like that! Seriously
Uhh… Does she realize that she’s doing all this to herself? An issue like this wouldn’t have risen if she just openly dated him in the first place. When others and your friends know you like him and is taken they wouldn’t think to get with your boyfriend😐 Her friend even asked her if they had anything going on and she lied. All this is on her at this point, Idk if I want to keep reading. I started because of the other leads. Now they’re nonexistent.
Somehow Bora is making me lose interest in this manhwa. I really like Jay as a character, Bora is the one annoying me. And I miss the main couple, their story was so much better, more beautiful and funnier to read 😭😭
I don’t get it why does bora has to break up just bcz her friend likes jay? If jay likes bora and she likes him back then just date each other. Why make things complicated? If one of her friend was a bitch doesn’t mean everyone are. Why are you thinking of others m
What is wrong with these comments? You guys never know how some people have weak mentality and they grow from it just like bora and it’s not even her fault that she was traumatized by it. It’s so unbelievable that you guys are hating on relatable characters like that! Seriously
Uhh… Does she realize that she’s doing all this to herself? An issue like this wouldn’t have risen if she just openly dated him in the first place. When others and your friends know you like him and is taken they wouldn’t think to get with your boyfriend😐 Her friend even asked her if they had anything going on and she lied. All this is on her at this point, Idk if I want to keep reading. I started because of the other leads. Now they’re nonexistent.
Somehow Bora is making me lose interest in this manhwa. I really like Jay as a character, Bora is the one annoying me. And I miss the main couple, their story was so much better, more beautiful and funnier to read 😭😭
First time seeing him cry 😱😱😱
I don’t get it why does bora has to break up just bcz her friend likes jay? If jay likes bora and she likes him back then just date each other. Why make things complicated? If one of her friend was a bitch doesn’t mean everyone are. Why are you thinking of others m