That explains it all. That would also explain why the physicians had to perform a C-section on their mother rather than to let her conceive normally. Anyways, that’s a relief to know. And it also means that if Zach were to ever pursue the thrown, then he would have every right to because he is the legitimate child of the former King. This was no different from a spoiler, but luckily I’m not the type to mind them. Verily, a spoiler like this might keep people from dropping the manhwa simply because the King(who they might have believed to be the ML) is a horrendous person.
Sooo….. I read some MTL reviews of the novel and it seems like there are twins in this story and one of them is our ml.
That explains it all. That would also explain why the physicians had to perform a C-section on their mother rather than to let her conceive normally. Anyways, that’s a relief to know. And it also means that if Zach were to ever pursue the thrown, then he would have every right to because he is the legitimate child of the former King. This was no different from a spoiler, but luckily I’m not the type to mind them. Verily, a spoiler like this might keep people from dropping the manhwa simply because the King(who they might have believed to be the ML) is a horrendous person.
Tf???? But now am more sure the knight is ml 0.o