@roco a lot of men in patriarchal society is like this. they are seriously so bipolar between thinking “women is so trivial even their bad deed is just unimportant, shallow women things” and thinking “these women should know their place and their mistake is a danger to the authority of the house”.
So he knew that woman was a bad influence on his daughter but he just let it be??? She even dies because of it, he’s garbage. Good thing Sharon stepping in and saved her
@roco a lot of men in patriarchal society is like this. they are seriously so bipolar between thinking “women is so trivial even their bad deed is just unimportant, shallow women things” and thinking “these women should know their place and their mistake is a danger to the authority of the house”.
So he knew that woman was a bad influence on his daughter but he just let it be??? She even dies because of it, he’s garbage. Good thing Sharon stepping in and saved her