He’s talking about “moving the kids out of the mansion”. So he never planned to kill them initially, but the teacher got in the way? Or did he just spare the kids, kill her, and fake their deaths?
Hm, I wonder if it’s the translation, but most of Diego’s thoughts about Margaret don’t make much sense to me. Still, it’s nice that he now thinks of wanting the female lead out of the way on the “big day”. Could it be that diego only has thoughts of moving the children (instead of killing them) because our heroine has already slightly changed the plot for a while now? Perhaps Diego has softened ever since Cedric said that he wants to become like his big brother when he grows up?
TL is messy but I’m confused he actually wanted to move kids out of the mansion whilst he carry his assassination plan, so what happened in og that led him to kill kids, well if he is the flat villain I’m looking forward to see the og leads…..
the mother is getting on my nerves 😊
He’s talking about “moving the kids out of the mansion”. So he never planned to kill them initially, but the teacher got in the way? Or did he just spare the kids, kill her, and fake their deaths?
Hm, I wonder if it’s the translation, but most of Diego’s thoughts about Margaret don’t make much sense to me. Still, it’s nice that he now thinks of wanting the female lead out of the way on the “big day”. Could it be that diego only has thoughts of moving the children (instead of killing them) because our heroine has already slightly changed the plot for a while now? Perhaps Diego has softened ever since Cedric said that he wants to become like his big brother when he grows up?
Dammit 😡😡
TL is messy but I’m confused he actually wanted to move kids out of the mansion whilst he carry his assassination plan, so what happened in og that led him to kill kids, well if he is the flat villain I’m looking forward to see the og leads…..