Is Disgusting seeing him blush, this shithead have no idea how hard was her life and he even help make it worse for her and now he’s blushing while seeing her , just die and never show your Disgusting face ever again 🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮
As I thought…
He used to bully her cause he liked her!!
That kind of boys!
She is traumatized upon seeing him while he is flustered feeling all fuzzy inside!
You were bound to loose ma boy, since you bullied a clueless young girl without thinking about the consistences.
Not that such a brat would know anything about the ‘consequences’ though.
Welp…I really feel bad for you, since I’m sure you are clueless of the impact you’ve made on her…
Gross!! He blushed when he saw her!!!
Well that was quite an entrance but also why is he there leave her alone
scroch his balls
uh gross, someone get him out of the story before I break my screen
lost teddy bear
disgusting pls dont blush or fall inlove whit her i dont want you for my fl
this could have been enemies to lovers if he wasn’t complete garbage lol
It’s crazy how he’s blushing with blood rushing to his face when he made blood rush out of her head when they were young
Alexandre Schihann
Is Disgusting seeing him blush, this shithead have no idea how hard was her life and he even help make it worse for her and now he’s blushing while seeing her , just die and never show your Disgusting face ever again 🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮
the letter was really a dumb move 💀💀💀
As I thought…
He used to bully her cause he liked her!!
That kind of boys!
She is traumatized upon seeing him while he is flustered feeling all fuzzy inside!
You were bound to loose ma boy, since you bullied a clueless young girl without thinking about the consistences.
Not that such a brat would know anything about the ‘consequences’ though.
Welp…I really feel bad for you, since I’m sure you are clueless of the impact you’ve made on her…
Is that… pos blushing? Rachel! Your sis in law needs you!!
The culprit… 😅
Rum Lawrence
Ooh nice let the drama flow