i would love how much regret her friend had for the rest of his life for not just telling her that Elkinas liked her or Elkinas not just telling her that she wanted to get Married…
lmaoo rococo
shes so irrelevant I forgot about her
Guess she has nothing better to do than be a leech
If she’s a princess and one that gives an absolute shit about her status at that then she should be living in her pretty little palace
Why the princess in the duchy?
i would love how much regret her friend had for the rest of his life for not just telling her that Elkinas liked her or Elkinas not just telling her that she wanted to get Married…
lmaoo rococo
shes so irrelevant I forgot about her
Guess she has nothing better to do than be a leech
If she’s a princess and one that gives an absolute shit about her status at that then she should be living in her pretty little palace
Why is she living in the duchy? I mean the princess
Completely forgot that was the princess, hard to recognize her when she’s not wearing a hideous huge dress