@Istraa…ya we get it. You hate this. So please leave, literally no one is forcing you to read this.
Yeah “lazy” writing is a problem, but for people like me who are hear to read hundreds of copy paste plots of we can look at pretty pictures, it doesn’t matter that much.
She’s so freaking stupid, she lives on plot armor and being constantly rescued by ML cuz of actions caused by her Mary Sue complex.
I can look past it if it happens once, but here she goes again to confront a murderer, alone, without telling anyone, and there she goes falling again and looking pathetically weak, and here comes ML to the rescue, again
Lazy writting honestly. Disappointing
@Istraa…ya we get it. You hate this. So please leave, literally no one is forcing you to read this.
Yeah “lazy” writing is a problem, but for people like me who are hear to read hundreds of copy paste plots of we can look at pretty pictures, it doesn’t matter that much.
She’s so freaking stupid, she lives on plot armor and being constantly rescued by ML cuz of actions caused by her Mary Sue complex.
I can look past it if it happens once, but here she goes again to confront a murderer, alone, without telling anyone, and there she goes falling again and looking pathetically weak, and here comes ML to the rescue, again
Lazy writting honestly. Disappointing
I hope nothing happens to her TuT