huh where did that dude popped off from ehh also what’s with weirdo last panel umm smh plus another FL who was unable to see red flags & I do not understand why she says that even if she’ll be trapped in eternal pain she’ll turn back time like girl if this much pain bought you to tears you think eternal pain will be some joke? taking about her soul been taken away girl showed how foolish she is smh
Please don’t be a harem
first of all who is this random guy she just kissed !?
I should’ve known this was a harem!!!😡
Izumi Miyamura
ummmm what?????????????
huh where did that dude popped off from ehh also what’s with weirdo last panel umm smh plus another FL who was unable to see red flags & I do not understand why she says that even if she’ll be trapped in eternal pain she’ll turn back time like girl if this much pain bought you to tears you think eternal pain will be some joke? taking about her soul been taken away girl showed how foolish she is smh
Khuseimah Mwenyi
Wtf just happened
Guess who
From where tf did that guyvpop out of????!!