If he kills her family please tell me she at least leaves him if not stabs him to death. Can’t believe he set up her brother what is the main goal of all this anyways? What is he even planning the fall of the entire kingdom or something? Actually I think I hate this story the Ml, if you can call him that, is unbearable
Everybody Only see this manga from the female lead point of view but let ask you all this.Put yourself in the place of male lead and irresponsible mother who does not take care of her child when he needs a lot of your attention,care and love.A mother doesn’t take care of her child,see him as a burden and Completely ignore him upto 16 year just how much will he be craving for the mother’s love do you all understand.And when see is in the verge of death Realized that she made a mistake.And she feel sorry for that.Does her sorry or regret can make up for vincente 16 years of loneliness.did she ever celebrated her own son’s birthday ‘NOT’ but she was busy to attend the balls and other function.Now come to the duke the female lead vistrade family destroyed Duchess kathia who was his mother just imagine the girl she supported her she didn’t take care of her not to mention she started looking for her when it’s too late.the male lead mother got demoted and she started to live a life which she is unfamiliar with how hard it would be for her.She has to sell herself or started to beg to the people to feed her small child.She got insane because of visrade and due to this she couldn’t take care her child properly and accept a miserable death.
Now wherever the female go to the party or any where she should be called Duchess but instead she was called madam visrade how you all will feel.She never attended the any function with the duke.Even though the duke hold a grudge against the visrade did he ever take advantage of her.If he could take advantage of her he could destroyed the visrade family from their roots but he never did.I think the duke did nothing wrong.Feel if this would happen to your mother would you will able to contain your anger.I don’t know about you all but i will not.If it were me i have destroyed the visrade’s to their roots.i am in this world because of my mother that is why my mother comes first for after that it’s my wife and my family.Not to mention fl lead brother she always tries his best to get a divorce from both fl lead and the male lead and at last he succeeded by sacrificing his and her wife life.That homewreaker did it.When the female lead told her brother in some chapter that now she will Only will live as a bernertherd not the visrade did you all saw the expression of the fl lead brother.
Now who is at the fault here.If you all people call ml lead an asshole in comment what should I call fl lead brother and the fl lead itself.
Comment me.
According to the story,the visrade royal family in rudelsia set her mother Duchess kathia why because she supported the the female lead mother and not to mention Duchess kathia was not a small figure that can be stripped her title for no reason if the emperor wants to strip it he must give the whole a solid reason just because you felt threat from that family that doesn’t mean your can do whatever you want just because you’re the emperor.When the male lead mother and the male lead as well living miserably did that princess aided them.No,she forget about her and living a luxurious life and when she start to remember her it was already too late male lead already lost his mother.He has each and every reason to take revenge on the viserade’s.Now put your mother in the place of “Duchess kathia”and “yourself” in the place of male lead? After that give me your honest opinion. What you will do?if you hate male lead just because he set her brother and his wife.then i have a lot more reasons to hate the female lead and her whole visrade clan.Because they also set the Male Lead mother.Right.Saying anything is easy and doing about that things is much harder that.If you tell comment me that i will forgive her family just about your mother and your family first then if your have a courage to write those stupid comments again.Your mother and your father is the person who is responsible for your existence what will you do if the same thing happens to your parents.Please i would like to hear your thoughts.
And sorry if I said something unnecessary.Don’t take female lead side just because you feel sympathy for her try to judge the fact and become the male lead as well as the female lead character and then judge all the incidents.the world the world cruel it’s not a playground that give you happiness it’s a battle ground who give you so many fatal wounds to you.
Now tell me did the female lead ever seen those sufferings of male lead.Have you ever saw her soothing her husband because of what her visrade family did to her mother.Even if did the mistake did they apologize to them.I read some lines in the chapter when the rudelsia king meet the Duchess do you know what he said he said he didn’t regert by demoting Duchess kathia.Till now again he insulted the male lead mother.dod the female lead ever felt the urge of hunger when the male lead suffering from hunger urge.Its not that i don’t feel anything for female lead but the male lead suffering is much more worse that her. Try to understand the whole story first and then take or make your decision
This story really makes me lose interest in it..
If he kills her family please tell me she at least leaves him if not stabs him to death. Can’t believe he set up her brother what is the main goal of all this anyways? What is he even planning the fall of the entire kingdom or something? Actually I think I hate this story the Ml, if you can call him that, is unbearable
Everybody Only see this manga from the female lead point of view but let ask you all this.Put yourself in the place of male lead and irresponsible mother who does not take care of her child when he needs a lot of your attention,care and love.A mother doesn’t take care of her child,see him as a burden and Completely ignore him upto 16 year just how much will he be craving for the mother’s love do you all understand.And when see is in the verge of death Realized that she made a mistake.And she feel sorry for that.Does her sorry or regret can make up for vincente 16 years of loneliness.did she ever celebrated her own son’s birthday ‘NOT’ but she was busy to attend the balls and other function.Now come to the duke the female lead vistrade family destroyed Duchess kathia who was his mother just imagine the girl she supported her she didn’t take care of her not to mention she started looking for her when it’s too late.the male lead mother got demoted and she started to live a life which she is unfamiliar with how hard it would be for her.She has to sell herself or started to beg to the people to feed her small child.She got insane because of visrade and due to this she couldn’t take care her child properly and accept a miserable death.
Now wherever the female go to the party or any where she should be called Duchess but instead she was called madam visrade how you all will feel.She never attended the any function with the duke.Even though the duke hold a grudge against the visrade did he ever take advantage of her.If he could take advantage of her he could destroyed the visrade family from their roots but he never did.I think the duke did nothing wrong.Feel if this would happen to your mother would you will able to contain your anger.I don’t know about you all but i will not.If it were me i have destroyed the visrade’s to their roots.i am in this world because of my mother that is why my mother comes first for after that it’s my wife and my family.Not to mention fl lead brother she always tries his best to get a divorce from both fl lead and the male lead and at last he succeeded by sacrificing his and her wife life.That homewreaker did it.When the female lead told her brother in some chapter that now she will Only will live as a bernertherd not the visrade did you all saw the expression of the fl lead brother.
Now who is at the fault here.If you all people call ml lead an asshole in comment what should I call fl lead brother and the fl lead itself.
Comment me.
According to the story,the visrade royal family in rudelsia set her mother Duchess kathia why because she supported the the female lead mother and not to mention Duchess kathia was not a small figure that can be stripped her title for no reason if the emperor wants to strip it he must give the whole a solid reason just because you felt threat from that family that doesn’t mean your can do whatever you want just because you’re the emperor.When the male lead mother and the male lead as well living miserably did that princess aided them.No,she forget about her and living a luxurious life and when she start to remember her it was already too late male lead already lost his mother.He has each and every reason to take revenge on the viserade’s.Now put your mother in the place of “Duchess kathia”and “yourself” in the place of male lead? After that give me your honest opinion. What you will do?if you hate male lead just because he set her brother and his wife.then i have a lot more reasons to hate the female lead and her whole visrade clan.Because they also set the Male Lead mother.Right.Saying anything is easy and doing about that things is much harder that.If you tell comment me that i will forgive her family just about your mother and your family first then if your have a courage to write those stupid comments again.Your mother and your father is the person who is responsible for your existence what will you do if the same thing happens to your parents.Please i would like to hear your thoughts.
And sorry if I said something unnecessary.Don’t take female lead side just because you feel sympathy for her try to judge the fact and become the male lead as well as the female lead character and then judge all the incidents.the world the world cruel it’s not a playground that give you happiness it’s a battle ground who give you so many fatal wounds to you.
Now tell me did the female lead ever seen those sufferings of male lead.Have you ever saw her soothing her husband because of what her visrade family did to her mother.Even if did the mistake did they apologize to them.I read some lines in the chapter when the rudelsia king meet the Duchess do you know what he said he said he didn’t regert by demoting Duchess kathia.Till now again he insulted the male lead mother.dod the female lead ever felt the urge of hunger when the male lead suffering from hunger urge.Its not that i don’t feel anything for female lead but the male lead suffering is much more worse that her. Try to understand the whole story first and then take or make your decision