Perfect exemple of what I hate the most. They one sidely decided of the meaning of the prophecy, one sidely decided she was the saintess, one sidely decided everything about her and her life, and now they again one sidely decided she is the one at fault and she is the one lying or being a fake when she just followed what they forced her to follow. Trash people being trash people.
Wow you guys act like she had much choice… that temple (w/e they call it) forced her to do all this… did you not see the way they treated her? They probably would’ve abused her horribly if she refused anything. The question is how much power do they have that the Duke couldn’t stop them? She thought the prince was on her side, but he clearly wasn’t. This “saint” is truly evil….
Perfect exemple of what I hate the most. They one sidely decided of the meaning of the prophecy, one sidely decided she was the saintess, one sidely decided everything about her and her life, and now they again one sidely decided she is the one at fault and she is the one lying or being a fake when she just followed what they forced her to follow. Trash people being trash people.
Should have kill her if you will ended up framing of killing her anyways.
a demon wearing a goddess mask lol👿👿💀
Wow you guys act like she had much choice… that temple (w/e they call it) forced her to do all this… did you not see the way they treated her? They probably would’ve abused her horribly if she refused anything. The question is how much power do they have that the Duke couldn’t stop them? She thought the prince was on her side, but he clearly wasn’t. This “saint” is truly evil….
Another dumb blue eyed blonde.
It’s her own fault for being a stupid slow-witted puppet.
what a BITCH is all i have to say
also, is this part of a flashback or smth