i think theres a huuuuge difference between having no sexual desire and deciding you no longer want to have orgies with men selling their body to you anymore. its also not mysoginistic to still not like a woman who let people you care about die after you also prevent her rape. she did bad things. you have eyes and saw that. he still did his fucking job and THEN also let the man go instead of letting it become documented to be used against her. gain some reading comprehension.
I’ve always been confused by the lack of sexual awareness, how does someone go from never even thinking about sex or outright being disdainful of it, to suddenly wanting it when they’ve gone through puberty a long time ago? Sorry for the rant
Omg I’m so tired with all this mysogenistic plot: just cause she is a girl she has to be weak, with no sexual desire and if she is different from this stereotype she’s a b**** . The captain of the guards who is supposed TO WORK FOR HER had the audacity to talk to her that way and after she was almost r**ped SHE THANKED HIM AS IF HE DID HER A FAVOUR and not just him doing (badly) his job. The man who tried to r***e her didn’t even go to prison. Cause she has the audacity to have s*x
i think theres a huuuuge difference between having no sexual desire and deciding you no longer want to have orgies with men selling their body to you anymore. its also not mysoginistic to still not like a woman who let people you care about die after you also prevent her rape. she did bad things. you have eyes and saw that. he still did his fucking job and THEN also let the man go instead of letting it become documented to be used against her. gain some reading comprehension.
I’ve always been confused by the lack of sexual awareness, how does someone go from never even thinking about sex or outright being disdainful of it, to suddenly wanting it when they’ve gone through puberty a long time ago? Sorry for the rant
Omg I’m so tired with all this mysogenistic plot: just cause she is a girl she has to be weak, with no sexual desire and if she is different from this stereotype she’s a b**** . The captain of the guards who is supposed TO WORK FOR HER had the audacity to talk to her that way and after she was almost r**ped SHE THANKED HIM AS IF HE DID HER A FAVOUR and not just him doing (badly) his job. The man who tried to r***e her didn’t even go to prison. Cause she has the audacity to have s*x
so sex is now an ‘atrocity’? or was the ‘atrocity’ inviting someone into a garden without approval from the templars? 😮💨
hehe. he has a crushie.