@Fuckingbich If you want racism see: previous chapter where she approached the Duke in the capital. Both what she brought up with him and what the (possibly commoner) folk were saying right outside his door.
Hopefully she has a way to sway them to her side peacefully.
@Fuckingbich it’s not racism it’s prejudice; and even moreso, it’s justified. people on the capital look down on them as dirty barbarians with tainted blood. Even their lord is called a “mutt” in those circles and they’re called unwashed savages. obviously, they wouldn’t easily trust a duchess from such a place. She needs to show that she’s not like the other nobles (whom she was raised with to share the values of). She needs to show that she values them as a people and as a culture. This is just something she needs to do to prove she can lead them as duchess (because she knows nothing of this land and it’s struggles nor does she have a personal connection to them).
@Fuckingbich If you want racism see: previous chapter where she approached the Duke in the capital. Both what she brought up with him and what the (possibly commoner) folk were saying right outside his door.
Hopefully she has a way to sway them to her side peacefully.
@Fuckingbich it’s not racism it’s prejudice; and even moreso, it’s justified. people on the capital look down on them as dirty barbarians with tainted blood. Even their lord is called a “mutt” in those circles and they’re called unwashed savages. obviously, they wouldn’t easily trust a duchess from such a place. She needs to show that she’s not like the other nobles (whom she was raised with to share the values of). She needs to show that she values them as a people and as a culture. This is just something she needs to do to prove she can lead them as duchess (because she knows nothing of this land and it’s struggles nor does she have a personal connection to them).
I think there is mistranslation in the ml name any way why are everyone in the north racist to those from the capital 😭💀
The author needs to change the ML name, Blush? Really?! Not sound manly at all… I hope the author change its name, tbh it’s ugly hearing it..