Can’t believe Do Guk put up with this brat for years. Imagine being ungrateful to this extent despite being so spoiled. Jeongwuk if you miss your mom so much and hate your family why not go and live with her? And why just mess with Do Guk? Is it because the sister wouldn’t put up with your b.s.?
Frosty Wings
Can’t believe Do Guk put up with this brat for years. Imagine being ungrateful to this extent despite being so spoiled. Jeongwuk if you miss your mom so much and hate your family why not go and live with her? And why just mess with Do Guk? Is it because the sister wouldn’t put up with your b.s.?
LMAO not the whole “I was never blah blah blah as a child so I became a criminal” speech. Just to avoid accountability? In your dreams!