and how the rubber duck f*ck are they supposed to do that when the father himself is away at the moment? drawing straws? I’m sorry, this author has chosen every convoluted, nonsensical plot point to advance this story and I think I’m gonna havr to drop it for a while after the next chapter. gonna wait until either a new season starts or the entire story finishes
I don’t understand how they can question the emperor / empress like this publicly?I get that they ar the ministers so their voice is important, but every time they just get louder. Does the emperor not have a tiny bit of power for them to stay quieter? (And yes,I did read previous pages too)
Its not so great to being a noble, especialy high ranking. Image You dont have to work, you get large teritory,few towns from king/goverment, You life leisure life with houndtret of milions in pocket, and then You sudenly go to casino, drink to much, someone make you a photo with teen girl or You said something bad about king….next day You are trailed for treason and all You have get back to emperor and you going to die. And remember as a noble You have to participate in wars, this was a total difference from this sick democratic systems where big fat pigs from gov and corporations send regular people to fight they wars.
악녀~🖤 A_Villainess tired of romance
Some side-characters must want to be electricuted. What a JOKE
joke’s on me, apparently this is the end of the season. dropping until the story ends, I guess
and how the rubber duck f*ck are they supposed to do that when the father himself is away at the moment? drawing straws? I’m sorry, this author has chosen every convoluted, nonsensical plot point to advance this story and I think I’m gonna havr to drop it for a while after the next chapter. gonna wait until either a new season starts or the entire story finishes
What a joke
I don’t understand how they can question the emperor / empress like this publicly?I get that they ar the ministers so their voice is important, but every time they just get louder. Does the emperor not have a tiny bit of power for them to stay quieter? (And yes,I did read previous pages too)
Its not so great to being a noble, especialy high ranking. Image You dont have to work, you get large teritory,few towns from king/goverment, You life leisure life with houndtret of milions in pocket, and then You sudenly go to casino, drink to much, someone make you a photo with teen girl or You said something bad about king….next day You are trailed for treason and all You have get back to emperor and you going to die. And remember as a noble You have to participate in wars, this was a total difference from this sick democratic systems where big fat pigs from gov and corporations send regular people to fight they wars.
Wow i Hope her Brother Kills this anoying dude