You mean about night gown 😀 ? but this is logic. Besides she is basicly only second to God. She may not realize this yet but she is basicly Empress, empress of whatever she wish because she is loved by every superior males 😀
Logicly speaking ,this dress would be see trou, so propably he would even seen her pusy trou it ;D Anyway she is stupid, she is basicly in control ,and propably giving birth with mages around is much better than giving birth with our shrinks…blech….
@k11182 what’s wrong with you mthrfkr? Get out you schizo poster
K11182’s comment below is nasty and stupid, keep your comments to yourself
You mean about night gown 😀 ? but this is logic. Besides she is basicly only second to God. She may not realize this yet but she is basicly Empress, empress of whatever she wish because she is loved by every superior males 😀
She dosnt undesrsrtant she is basicxly emprss, not just empess, she is ruller of all. There is nothijg and no one above her
Logicly speaking ,this dress would be see trou, so propably he would even seen her pusy trou it ;D Anyway she is stupid, she is basicly in control ,and propably giving birth with mages around is much better than giving birth with our shrinks…blech….