OMG these men are the most idiot misogynistic a-holes!! “We have to protect her happiness by harming ourselves and others!” Ignoring her agency aside, from a pure gaming/objective stand point:
Yian isn’t mature he is a child, not telling your party that your healing comes with a cost and healing all willy nilly is irresponsible. I am hoping that the two women just like kick both their asses for willingly debuffing themselves well before the time limit of a legendary class dungeon is coming to an end. Like dear lord, ration your resources.
OMG these men are the most idiot misogynistic a-holes!! “We have to protect her happiness by harming ourselves and others!” Ignoring her agency aside, from a pure gaming/objective stand point:
Yian isn’t mature he is a child, not telling your party that your healing comes with a cost and healing all willy nilly is irresponsible. I am hoping that the two women just like kick both their asses for willingly debuffing themselves well before the time limit of a legendary class dungeon is coming to an end. Like dear lord, ration your resources.