Got it. The grandpa who was in agony is the dad of the two guys. So the young man I thought was Yuwell’s brother (because of a bad translation) is actually her dad who just looks super young. So confusing.. 🤯
I know her father only wants her safety,but he should at least stand for her. What’s making him so coward? Because of his wife’s death?
I wonder why the royal family can’t tame their subjects? Why the six dukes more powerful than them? I haven’t seen any delegate from the royal family or any royal member to attend the suppose to be funeral of the duke
Her father wants her to be safe but he’s not doing anything, just like when she was kidnapped at the funeral and he knew there’s a possibility she was in danger yet he just sat there
Got it. The grandpa who was in agony is the dad of the two guys. So the young man I thought was Yuwell’s brother (because of a bad translation) is actually her dad who just looks super young. So confusing.. 🤯
Vasha 11
But remember that she not the real daughter.
the real juwell is already dead
I know her father only wants her safety,but he should at least stand for her. What’s making him so coward? Because of his wife’s death?
I wonder why the royal family can’t tame their subjects? Why the six dukes more powerful than them? I haven’t seen any delegate from the royal family or any royal member to attend the suppose to be funeral of the duke
Her father wants her to be safe but he’s not doing anything, just like when she was kidnapped at the funeral and he knew there’s a possibility she was in danger yet he just sat there