can we manifest men like this into the real world if we focus hard enough? All I want is for emotionally available, competent, considerate men to exist, do they have to go through all the hardships that women have gone through to become like that? That would suck…. can’t anyone learn through others and not have to experience it firsthand?
I hate the fact that Louie is a fictional character ☺️
@Jeez that’s why this is a manga and not reality like I wish the boys in my class can be at least 1/3 as good as Louie 😭
A man like Louie is hard to find in the real world that’s for sure
can we manifest men like this into the real world if we focus hard enough? All I want is for emotionally available, competent, considerate men to exist, do they have to go through all the hardships that women have gone through to become like that? That would suck…. can’t anyone learn through others and not have to experience it firsthand?
So is she a short stack or is he a giant? Because either way, I am dissatisfied
Between them and the Anothery typical … I’m finding new fav pairs… ahh
Look at these two sweeties