Actually I really feel bad for this guy. It’s so horrible to bare feelings like this for such a long time.
Going through think and thin side by side, experiencing life and dearlth situations alongside each other, witnessing your subject of affection’s development and change right in front of your eyes being together most of the time in the course of a decade.
And still, the said person doesn’t get how you feel AT ALL!!!
And you have been enduring in consideration of his/her feelings while he/she is totally clueless!!
Truly agonizing!
Then just when things started to settle and you thought you might have a chance to convey your feelings, the person announces his/her wedding with someone else!!!
It feels like dying just thinking about it!
Don’t go blaming him guys, just put yourself in his place.
It’s legit unbearable!
I feel that same thing!
He was with her this whole time for so long and to him, suddenly an illegitimate son of one of their main enemy pops out of nowhere and marries the woman he was trying so hard to confess and propose to. The odds have been stacked against him from both sides.
It is weird however that Louie has zero trust in him due two one of his past lifetime. It still hasn’t been revealed yet though??
Ghibli Studios Fan
I really hope that the sister finds a lover and realize that loving someone doesn’t make it easy to kill that special someone
Hahaha when someone get you back your words ???,
Actually I really feel bad for this guy. It’s so horrible to bare feelings like this for such a long time.
Going through think and thin side by side, experiencing life and dearlth situations alongside each other, witnessing your subject of affection’s development and change right in front of your eyes being together most of the time in the course of a decade.
And still, the said person doesn’t get how you feel AT ALL!!!
And you have been enduring in consideration of his/her feelings while he/she is totally clueless!!
Truly agonizing!
Then just when things started to settle and you thought you might have a chance to convey your feelings, the person announces his/her wedding with someone else!!!
It feels like dying just thinking about it!
Don’t go blaming him guys, just put yourself in his place.
It’s legit unbearable!
Maybe he should have tried using his big boy words and told her how he felt. He lost that chance, she’s happy, he needs to move on.
What I remember is that he asked in their previous life to marry the duchess but the empresse refuse
I feel that same thing!
He was with her this whole time for so long and to him, suddenly an illegitimate son of one of their main enemy pops out of nowhere and marries the woman he was trying so hard to confess and propose to. The odds have been stacked against him from both sides.
It is weird however that Louie has zero trust in him due two one of his past lifetime. It still hasn’t been revealed yet though??
You lost your chance, now get away ?
Anecy Scarlet
Go away you so awful!