think about it as a agnostic person bargaining with god, like she’s saying, “hey, if you’re up there, I’ll make my first born a monk since I have to leave my holy life, if you help me keep my sister safe”
I don’t like how the author uses the excuse that FL offers her firstborn as a way for the plot to move forward. It makes literally no sense to dedicate your unborn child when you’re unmarried, single, and don’t believe in God (oath)
I agree, it does not make sense to offer up the firstborn for no particular reason. She does not even believe in a God, yet made an blood oath to a godly existance to sacrifice a child, should she succseed in her quest? Unasked for…. should she be victorious, is it not due to her effort?
Also the reason to leave the family to her younger sister to retreat to a monestary is weak – if she wanted to protect her, should she not stay with her?
So far, we do not know much about the younger sister: she coveted what was owned by the eldest (the lace), and she has a drall for revenge and power. And what was that oath thing? Not: I accept your sword for my purpose but stuff like if you betray me may hell be upon you? Sus:)
Idk about the child but for the title, i think it’s reasonable…she’s good at martial arts so she can be a knight. And as she said, her sister is smart so it’s better to let her manage their territory. Why? Do you want them to fight for the title then? Think
think about it as a agnostic person bargaining with god, like she’s saying, “hey, if you’re up there, I’ll make my first born a monk since I have to leave my holy life, if you help me keep my sister safe”
Ghibli Studios Fan
I don’t like how the author uses the excuse that FL offers her firstborn as a way for the plot to move forward. It makes literally no sense to dedicate your unborn child when you’re unmarried, single, and don’t believe in God (oath)
I agree, it does not make sense to offer up the firstborn for no particular reason. She does not even believe in a God, yet made an blood oath to a godly existance to sacrifice a child, should she succseed in her quest? Unasked for…. should she be victorious, is it not due to her effort?
Also the reason to leave the family to her younger sister to retreat to a monestary is weak – if she wanted to protect her, should she not stay with her?
So far, we do not know much about the younger sister: she coveted what was owned by the eldest (the lace), and she has a drall for revenge and power. And what was that oath thing? Not: I accept your sword for my purpose but stuff like if you betray me may hell be upon you? Sus:)
Is she an idiot she will offer her first child like nothing
And she gave up her title like nothing
no one
Idk about the child but for the title, i think it’s reasonable…she’s good at martial arts so she can be a knight. And as she said, her sister is smart so it’s better to let her manage their territory. Why? Do you want them to fight for the title then? Think
I really love this story????????