Wow even if that is an misundestanding that is one hell of a position to be caught in though
I wish he courted her before marriage bc signing a piece of paper aint shit if the other person is utterly unaware and on top of that think u dont like em.
Damn his trauma is messing up his future , he has a healing journey ahead of him but will he be able to keep his wife i dont think so bc she doesnt even get repect from the servants, there is just too much neglect, too much😢😭
bruhhhh this misunderstands
the miscommunication is making me pull my hair out
damn the misunderstandings kept pilling up jeezz girl your imagination runs wild in all negative directions.😅
Right decision
Wow even if that is an misundestanding that is one hell of a position to be caught in though
I wish he courted her before marriage bc signing a piece of paper aint shit if the other person is utterly unaware and on top of that think u dont like em.
Damn his trauma is messing up his future , he has a healing journey ahead of him but will he be able to keep his wife i dont think so bc she doesnt even get repect from the servants, there is just too much neglect, too much😢😭
I shouldn’t be laughing cause our girl is crying but I am cause it’s mad funny 🤣🤣
This woman 😒