agh! I feel for him, Is it the room itself? or he was so into her innocence that seeing her naked or in lingerie like the women he was exposed to at a young age makes him remember those times? Or is it that he thinks he might become like his dad?
I hope they figure it out bc I didn’t read the description and thought this would be hella horny and not a damn thing has happened 😭
I’m hooked now, and I like them both so I’m rooting for them!
Trauma is not so easily overcome.
In some ways, similar to depression, it’s very hard to get out by yourself.
Saying “Just find a solution” is easy when one doesn’t have any emotional baggage to deal with.
Having said that, uncomfortable situations will last until someone says something and explains, or makes a plan, or someone leaves. The main way to create enough motivation to escape unpleasant situations caused by any emotional distress is for the situation to be drastically unpleasant enough that you will do anything – get past whatever barriers are in place holding you back – from changing the situation. And then making an actionable plan, hopefully together, so everyone understands what is going on.
agh! I feel for him, Is it the room itself? or he was so into her innocence that seeing her naked or in lingerie like the women he was exposed to at a young age makes him remember those times? Or is it that he thinks he might become like his dad?
I hope they figure it out bc I didn’t read the description and thought this would be hella horny and not a damn thing has happened 😭
I’m hooked now, and I like them both so I’m rooting for them!
I think, They have to change their room and start with small acts like Kissing and slowly go further by time, and they shouldn’t forget communication
He needs to get a medical mental treatment to recover from his trauma. Also he needs to talk to her. She will surely understand his condition.
Trauma is not so easily overcome.
In some ways, similar to depression, it’s very hard to get out by yourself.
Saying “Just find a solution” is easy when one doesn’t have any emotional baggage to deal with.
Having said that, uncomfortable situations will last until someone says something and explains, or makes a plan, or someone leaves. The main way to create enough motivation to escape unpleasant situations caused by any emotional distress is for the situation to be drastically unpleasant enough that you will do anything – get past whatever barriers are in place holding you back – from changing the situation. And then making an actionable plan, hopefully together, so everyone understands what is going on.
Wow i feel sad for her
He should change the room or tell her everything
Just find a solution damn it, dont run away