@itsKat. In arranged marriages they do, since is often part of the contract and it’s usually once a month. When they start to do it often in these stories is when the relationship is taking off.
wow so they’ve actually slept together?? In most manhwa I’ve read, the mcs don’t really do anything like that until much later, near the end of the story or even in a side story, unless that’s what kicks off their romance and stuff. But seriously, does she even know those women’s names??? Like wtf
Valhalla's dream.
@itsKat. In arranged marriages they do, since is often part of the contract and it’s usually once a month. When they start to do it often in these stories is when the relationship is taking off.
Mind to do it again
Tea is her first love 😂😂 .. I feel sorry to the husband 🤣🤣
Im_into romance
Bro j was not expecting that naked photos 😭
Hmmm it looks like the Duke didn’t lose to the tea by as big of a margin as the last chapter suggested.
Go Boy you can steal her heart from a drink…
wow so they’ve actually slept together?? In most manhwa I’ve read, the mcs don’t really do anything like that until much later, near the end of the story or even in a side story, unless that’s what kicks off their romance and stuff. But seriously, does she even know those women’s names??? Like wtf