I have mixed feelings about this, however it doesn’t seem as bad as they made it out to be earlier. Societal pressure, sure, societal pressure is everywhere. So long as the individuals have the right of refusal, it is basically speed dating with overhead arrangements. You like someone, you make an offer (candidate to candidate). If it is not reciprocated, they decline you.
Didn’t know male dragons were so rare. More importantly, that deal is totally unfair since Pamela refusing would make her seem selfish. Then again, why expect any better from the people who encourage kidnapping your spouses
I like that straw haired dude even less then chase…
I have mixed feelings about this, however it doesn’t seem as bad as they made it out to be earlier. Societal pressure, sure, societal pressure is everywhere. So long as the individuals have the right of refusal, it is basically speed dating with overhead arrangements. You like someone, you make an offer (candidate to candidate). If it is not reciprocated, they decline you.
Didn’t know male dragons were so rare. More importantly, that deal is totally unfair since Pamela refusing would make her seem selfish. Then again, why expect any better from the people who encourage kidnapping your spouses
Spring and Summer
Awww she will really sacrifice herself like this? ?
Also this is so gross she’s basically being sold.
Smart move