I don’t think I’m processing this chapter the right way… I should be angry at Sasha for loving him so much inspite of all the things he’s done to her and at John for loving Sasha even after he always claims that she’s just some tool that can be used and thrown away. But for some reason I’m not. I guess it’s the romance-loving girl inside of me that secretly hopes whatever relationship they’ll have in the future will be one filled with mutual love. ?❤
I don’t think I’m processing this chapter the right way… I should be angry at Sasha for loving him so much inspite of all the things he’s done to her and at John for loving Sasha even after he always claims that she’s just some tool that can be used and thrown away. But for some reason I’m not. I guess it’s the romance-loving girl inside of me that secretly hopes whatever relationship they’ll have in the future will be one filled with mutual love. ?❤