FabledSable Bruh if I found a suspicious doll in the alleyway and its dress magically gets messy or it changes position from where I put it, it’ll be going straight to the incinerator 🙂👋🏻 Ain’t no way I’m letting Annabelle make herself at home at my place. June 8, 2024 at 10:48 am Log in to Reply
Rococochoco Acting out because she has a terrible family? Is that why she wants everyone to love her to the point she’d cast a spell? December 20, 2023 at 9:55 am Log in to Reply
Bruh if I found a suspicious doll in the alleyway and its dress magically gets messy or it changes position from where I put it, it’ll be going straight to the incinerator 🙂👋🏻 Ain’t no way I’m letting Annabelle make herself at home at my place.
Acting out because she has a terrible family? Is that why she wants everyone to love her to the point she’d cast a spell?