Normally when you see an emperor with empty eyes he is…….. mostly likely under the control of heretics, the villain or a spirit and most times doesn’t even knows he’s being controlled, or maybe he is locked inside himself and has been there for years or the original emperor is dead and something is using his body….. SPEAKING FROM EXPERIENCE
There has to be something fishy going on with the king/emperor. He’s way too fucking creepy for there not to be. His dead ass eyes say “yeah, there is definitely some fuck shit going on with this creepy ass dude” 🤨
I purple you💜💜
Normally when you see an emperor with empty eyes he is…….. mostly likely under the control of heretics, the villain or a spirit and most times doesn’t even knows he’s being controlled, or maybe he is locked inside himself and has been there for years or the original emperor is dead and something is using his body….. SPEAKING FROM EXPERIENCE
What the hell with that dead-eyed fish king??
Can someone just kill the that annoying dead eyed garbage already!!!
There has to be something fishy going on with the king/emperor. He’s way too fucking creepy for there not to be. His dead ass eyes say “yeah, there is definitely some fuck shit going on with this creepy ass dude” 🤨