Him not corroborating their stories just comes off as dumb and I would have put a provision in the contract that if it failed due to his incompetence she’s still get half of the remuneration since she’ll take a huge hit to her reputation if they get found out
Ok…so the story writing in this one is not he best, let’s be honest
Him not corroborating their stories just comes off as dumb and I would have put a provision in the contract that if it failed due to his incompetence she’s still get half of the remuneration since she’ll take a huge hit to her reputation if they get found out
There’s a male yandere tag on the novel as well as obsessive love. Yup he’s gonna fall hard.
@(you wish) Mrs. Gojo *Lol, nobody reads about non Giga Chads no more🤣
I’d have laughed and called him trash in a fake loving voice.
Mrs. Gojo
Giga chad ml lol