He’s getting what he deserves, the prostitute was biting more then she can chew so not surprised she got killed. The husband obsession with bdsm n violent sex had to come from somewhere. BUT she and Lowell need to tread lightly around the father.
Not saying i feel bad for the guy but damn…un a day he finds his wife cheating with his brother and his mistress dies, and oh btw she lied about being pregnant. At least he didnt lose a child too?
Father is fucking scary
He’s getting what he deserves, the prostitute was biting more then she can chew so not surprised she got killed. The husband obsession with bdsm n violent sex had to come from somewhere. BUT she and Lowell need to tread lightly around the father.
Not saying i feel bad for the guy but damn…un a day he finds his wife cheating with his brother and his mistress dies, and oh btw she lied about being pregnant. At least he didnt lose a child too?