She’s probably hoping he dies on her watch & so she can blame the princess & execute her.
But is this a translation issue ?
Regent is what the queen does, reigning temporarily while the king is unable.
Yet here they use it as a substitute for nurse ??
Well, this is boring~ There’s simply nothing at all, no use to be exact of that useless pathetic FL that you all love so much to see. And to me, there is nothing much to see about her. If only she could put up a better Villainess acting skills and personalities at that
I knew it! old hag is responsible for his condition it’s about time someone help king to wake I hope he put her to place when he wake up tho it may take 50chaps T_T
Getting your opponent close to a person you are poisoning…. what could go wrong:)
She’s probably hoping he dies on her watch & so she can blame the princess & execute her.
But is this a translation issue ?
Regent is what the queen does, reigning temporarily while the king is unable.
Yet here they use it as a substitute for nurse ??
Well, this is boring~ There’s simply nothing at all, no use to be exact of that useless pathetic FL that you all love so much to see. And to me, there is nothing much to see about her. If only she could put up a better Villainess acting skills and personalities at that
This b*** I hope some poison her one day
Every chapter I find myself fighting to not read the novel for spoilers
I knew it! old hag is responsible for his condition it’s about time someone help king to wake I hope he put her to place when he wake up tho it may take 50chaps T_T