Yeah author is tripping with this one. Whipping a maid is already a big punishment but a noble lady ? All nobles would rebell when they heard & she’d loser her authority & get vetoed.
Bc this means she doesn’t respect or acknowledge the authority of any nobles ever.
This would never happen
this old bitch what more does she want her and her complexes ahhh FL in past had to deal with a lott of trouble with her timid self ahhh old hag is devil himself
Yeah author is tripping with this one. Whipping a maid is already a big punishment but a noble lady ? All nobles would rebell when they heard & she’d loser her authority & get vetoed.
Bc this means she doesn’t respect or acknowledge the authority of any nobles ever.
This would never happen
The sight of it is even more pathetic putting the blame on that ML(The pRiNcE)
Poor u my princess😢😢🤧
this old bitch what more does she want her and her complexes ahhh FL in past had to deal with a lott of trouble with her timid self ahhh old hag is devil himself
Just take a sword 🗡️ and cut this old bitch & his son head and both of you sit on throne
Man it’s always these queens that I hate more than anything
Old hag, kys
Same her death needs to be long
This bitch i hope she dies in most miserable way possible
That old hag!!! 🤬🤬