She should have told her about the misery he will bring about with his ‘fakes’ to the poor, to those who are like himself working to their bones to make the ends meet.
I know how artists are, and she made use of that but delving in his own world and pointing out the facts he most understood.
Yet it would have been good if she also mentioned how his work could cause suffering to others.
Its no longer the ART we are talking about, but a few kingdoms main assets which directly affects the people’s livelihood.
She should have told HIM**
My ‘auto-correct’ is down-right auto-RUIN I tell ya!!
She should have told her about the misery he will bring about with his ‘fakes’ to the poor, to those who are like himself working to their bones to make the ends meet.
I know how artists are, and she made use of that but delving in his own world and pointing out the facts he most understood.
Yet it would have been good if she also mentioned how his work could cause suffering to others.
Its no longer the ART we are talking about, but a few kingdoms main assets which directly affects the people’s livelihood.