Put yourselves in Belluci’s place who has no upbringing AT ALL. LITERALLY!
HOW would she know who is a friend and who is a foe when her own mother treated her like dirt!
She was dirt-poor from birth, has a prostitute as a mother and was always beaten and forced to work on the streets just for the wench to take it all.
For your information my fellow readers, psychologically speaking these people have their sense of right and wrong muddled. Meaning they have lost the eye to discern whats good and what is bad.
Its due to the fact that the environment they were born and raised in never thought them otherwise.
Instead, what were supposed to be good was always bad for them.
A mother, was a nasty slut. No kindness nor compassion, but it was nothing but pain inflicted upon her from that ‘mother’. She was despised.
Strangers treated her like baggers, etc.
Do you really think like 15 years of such a treatment right from birth, without a single day of exception, would make some one wise enough to know how to get her act together or how to calculate and assess the situation?
Sure, there are a minority who are shrewd by ‘nature’, but not everyones like that.
And this girl here was of a naive nature, too.
So you do the math.
I would feel bad for Bellucci but like literally the only person looking out for you was your friend and you abandon her for the job even after that same girl tried to get you in trouble before you still stayed, to short sighted to think that it wouldn’t happen again but now you had no one to cover for you.
Belluchi is dumb and naive but I think this time the hate is unwanted. She’s a product of circumstances not entirely in her control
this is why one should possess the minimum ability to read the room… belluchi if you still dont realize your naivety… then you truly deserve it….
Put yourselves in Belluci’s place who has no upbringing AT ALL. LITERALLY!
HOW would she know who is a friend and who is a foe when her own mother treated her like dirt!
She was dirt-poor from birth, has a prostitute as a mother and was always beaten and forced to work on the streets just for the wench to take it all.
For your information my fellow readers, psychologically speaking these people have their sense of right and wrong muddled. Meaning they have lost the eye to discern whats good and what is bad.
Its due to the fact that the environment they were born and raised in never thought them otherwise.
Instead, what were supposed to be good was always bad for them.
A mother, was a nasty slut. No kindness nor compassion, but it was nothing but pain inflicted upon her from that ‘mother’. She was despised.
Strangers treated her like baggers, etc.
Do you really think like 15 years of such a treatment right from birth, without a single day of exception, would make some one wise enough to know how to get her act together or how to calculate and assess the situation?
Sure, there are a minority who are shrewd by ‘nature’, but not everyones like that.
And this girl here was of a naive nature, too.
So you do the math.
Belluci is too stupid. Rip u leave ur frend who defends u sheesh man.
Dumb bitch.
I would feel bad for Bellucci but like literally the only person looking out for you was your friend and you abandon her for the job even after that same girl tried to get you in trouble before you still stayed, to short sighted to think that it wouldn’t happen again but now you had no one to cover for you.
What a play