I just cant with this kind of plot anymore… can they please get creative 😭 ive had this thought many times now that some novels just dont come across with the same feeling within comics…. i now understand why people say that some books just arent meant for the screen
I don’t want to be the kind of person who judges too early, but the two comments under mine are kinda right. The MC looks really timid or meek, and I’m not really into innocent female leads, plus the plot sounds really interesting yet predictable. However, I’ll give chapter 1 a try and see if I like it. The one thing I’m concerned about though is the author’s treatment of transgender characters, that is if the runaway crown princess is transgender or just has a habit of cross-dressing.
I just cant with this kind of plot anymore… can they please get creative 😭 ive had this thought many times now that some novels just dont come across with the same feeling within comics…. i now understand why people say that some books just arent meant for the screen
The art is a masterpiece
I really like this but also agree with the comment bellow me :3
The art is beautiful,I just wish the Fl was… More… Uninnocent??? I don’t know the fraking word
baby im not even here.....im hallucination
I don’t want to be the kind of person who judges too early, but the two comments under mine are kinda right. The MC looks really timid or meek, and I’m not really into innocent female leads, plus the plot sounds really interesting yet predictable. However, I’ll give chapter 1 a try and see if I like it. The one thing I’m concerned about though is the author’s treatment of transgender characters, that is if the runaway crown princess is transgender or just has a habit of cross-dressing.
Dont mind me just simping
Wth the crown Prince’s name was soo damn long
ikr lolll
The art is beautiful tbh. But ahm,I hope it’s not boring because this kind of story is _________________
a.)kinda predictable
b.)full of misunderstanding
c.) annoying MCs (timid FL and arrogant ml)
d.)all of the above
Mm i bet the 2nd ml is that disguised guard
The plot is okay but not a fan of timid MCs
@Mondgoettin87 dont worry it isn’t a promo
Please release more chapters because I want to know how the Story goes on….
Its finally here, i’ve been waiting for this manhwa ❤️❤️❤️
it seems interesting