OMGGGG EVERYONE PLEASE THANK THE ADAPTION TEAM BECAUSE WOOOOOWW!! 🎉🙏THIS SCENE 😭❤️ I might need to reread the novel cause from what I remember THIS SCENE WAS NOT THERE 🥰🌹or at the very least Kylo was still high on his inferiority complex and DIDN’T act on his cute kitty feelings, yet >:)
doesn’t that blonde delusional idiot not have a job why is him and the Prince disturbing the princess I thought they have job like being a knight or something is this not kylo time to take care of the princess why is the useless prince and that dumb blondy disturbing him from doing his job like what is their problem do your own job please 😒
Need some gorilla glue to stick his stinky mouth, he also needs few trips to the bathroom. I really really hate that piss coloured hair guy I need him goneeeeeee.
I always thought that there is nothing more annoying than delulu bitchy villainess in this kind of stories but this kind of delulu is even worse bc author tries to make his actions in the past understandble like he is just a good guy with troubled past but its just annoying. I just wanna see their cute moments not delulu blond guy who name I dont even remember but I have feeling he will stick till the end
Hey Bixby… Search “how to secretly plot regicide”
That stupid older brother needs to be eliminated a.s.a.p.
Jojos romantic adventures
OMGGGG EVERYONE PLEASE THANK THE ADAPTION TEAM BECAUSE WOOOOOWW!! 🎉🙏THIS SCENE 😭❤️ I might need to reread the novel cause from what I remember THIS SCENE WAS NOT THERE 🥰🌹or at the very least Kylo was still high on his inferiority complex and DIDN’T act on his cute kitty feelings, yet >:)
Noooooo, I need more!
Good thinking. I’m rooting for you, Kyle.
Our kitten stepped up his game. Let’s gooooo
He’s so delusional that he makes me want to somehow enter in the manhwa and beat him up
doesn’t that blonde delusional idiot not have a job why is him and the Prince disturbing the princess I thought they have job like being a knight or something is this not kylo time to take care of the princess why is the useless prince and that dumb blondy disturbing him from doing his job like what is their problem do your own job please 😒
Need some gorilla glue to stick his stinky mouth, he also needs few trips to the bathroom. I really really hate that piss coloured hair guy I need him goneeeeeee.
I always thought that there is nothing more annoying than delulu bitchy villainess in this kind of stories but this kind of delulu is even worse bc author tries to make his actions in the past understandble like he is just a good guy with troubled past but its just annoying. I just wanna see their cute moments not delulu blond guy who name I dont even remember but I have feeling he will stick till the end
Oh thank God kylo chose to express his feelings instead of misunderstanding and back away
That raymond bish is actually helping kyle to realis his feelings 😂thanks bro