Boo effin hoo regret it now don’t ya? You made that poor girl stand in a rain yet she still forgave and wanted to be friends w u seriously have no clue how og agnes liked him
According to someone, Damian was the only real villian with trying to set up Agnes and Raymond, like these people need to piss off
Damian is fucking annoying, and Raymond Is a stupid bastard
Like father like son, always chasing after women who don’t give a shit about them but thinking they still care, not only ruining their own lives but others aswell
NO matter how nive Damian is being right now, he is a FUCKING ASSHOLE
HE’s trying to set her up with someone, most likely Raymond, so his own Wedding can be postponed
Like, even after she suffers a intense head injury, and pretends to forget Raymond, he is STILL tryig to get them together
This guy has been imagining her expressions for a while now.
Romantic monster
So you start noticing her when she stop following you 🤔
He just like the attention
TL mixing the hell out of the word pool again🙄
bro im officially a damien hater
Dude you get dumped like you wanted now f*c k off
bananamilk >♡<!!
Boo effin hoo regret it now don’t ya? You made that poor girl stand in a rain yet she still forgave and wanted to be friends w u seriously have no clue how og agnes liked him
bro has mommy issues boohoo
that’s fucked up, I don’t think his parents are even so terrible, how’d he end up like that
A trash ass he is
According to someone, Damian was the only real villian with trying to set up Agnes and Raymond, like these people need to piss off
Damian is fucking annoying, and Raymond Is a stupid bastard
Like father like son, always chasing after women who don’t give a shit about them but thinking they still care, not only ruining their own lives but others aswell
NO matter how nive Damian is being right now, he is a FUCKING ASSHOLE
HE’s trying to set her up with someone, most likely Raymond, so his own Wedding can be postponed
Like, even after she suffers a intense head injury, and pretends to forget Raymond, he is STILL tryig to get them together