For me he cheated when he listened to that skank say that the fl wasn’t deserving of him and continued listening to that b*tch tear her down without defending her.
i do agree those type of dreams are dangerous (i’m not talking about w3t dreams) but more like dreaming about someone you don’t even like, and suddenly they are attractive to you…
Omg he’s the Comic relief character? Also, why does Càrcel reminds me of Rudbeckia (ruby from how to get my husband on my side)? They both have similar puppy vives lol
I don’t give a shit about the ml because I have seen far worser this one is actually good than those but spoiler alert he is actually worth it he is nice not a whore I mean you will see in the future chapter
I’m not gonna be surprised if he gets crazy over her in more chapters…
he is stupid asf
For me he cheated when he listened to that skank say that the fl wasn’t deserving of him and continued listening to that b*tch tear her down without defending her.
He was cheating before nomatter what, so i dont think i’ll forgive hi.
i do agree those type of dreams are dangerous (i’m not talking about w3t dreams) but more like dreaming about someone you don’t even like, and suddenly they are attractive to you…
So he is love without realizing it still a jerk
lolololol, This tickles me so much, I’m perverse in that I like his torture
His little buddy cannot move it move it anymore lol
Amelia Marie
I agree with @rerekitkat
As an autistic woman, inés is giving me autistic vibes lol
As an autistic woman… inès is giving me autistic vibes lol
OHHHHHHH such an interesting pov from a man HAHAHAHAHAHAA
It’s interesting that it’s been manly from his perspective. Most don’t have it from the guys view.
This Manhwa is so entertaining seriously ?
Omg he’s the Comic relief character? Also, why does Càrcel reminds me of Rudbeckia (ruby from how to get my husband on my side)? They both have similar puppy vives lol
??? im really enjoying this man’s entire world being turned upside down. his reactions are so cute lol
Akio Haruki
I don’t give a shit about the ml because I have seen far worser this one is actually good than those but spoiler alert he is actually worth it he is nice not a whore I mean you will see in the future chapter
How to people manage to get sexually involved with people who are in a relationship. I mean they ofcourse know that he has a girlfriend
He’s nice and not a whore, I’m gonna use that to describe all my male friends now.